It is our priority to provide a problem free site, which a customer can easily access to avail our services but there are certain things that can create interruption for a customer and we are not responsible for it.
We are not responsible for any loss or damage that might arise if a person clicks on the external links that are on our page. These websites are for informational purpose only and we are not liable if the information given on those websites is correct, reliable, complete or up-to-date. A customer should visit those websites at his own risk.
The products that we provide solely belongs to us and customer is not allowed to use his name on our products, the products we give to a customer should be only used by him for his help and should not be sold to others. A customer should use our products for referencing purpose only and properly cite it.
The prices of all of our services are provided on Our rates page and we have the right to change our prices any time but if a customer has already placed an order so he will be charged according to the price when the order was placed.
When a customer orders for proofreading service then we will only check for spellings, grammar, sentence structure and punctuation errors and a customer should not expect anything else from us.
When a customer claims for a refund so he should provide justifications for it because our team will check whether or not the work sent was according to his instructions or not. Customer will only be refunded when we did not follow his instructions or when we failed to deliver the product. To know more about our refund policy, visit our Money back guarantee page.
A customer is given two weeks to decide if the material received meets his expectation or not.
A customer is provided free unlimited revision only if our work is not done according to his instruction, otherwise, revision is not free and a customer has two weeks to tell us if our work meets his requirement or not if he fails to reply us in two weeks then we will consider that a customer is satisfied.
We have a Revision policy page where more information regarding revision is given.