Website: term used for
Customer: term used for a person, who pays us to acquire our service.
Company: term used for a firm that provides writing and researching services.
Product: term used for a written material provided to a customer for his help.
We begin working on your assignment as soon as we receive your money and instruction.
It is important that customer should read our terms and condition before placing an order.
Paying for a custom assignment does not mean that you can show our work as yours, we only give it for using it as a reference.
We protect all the information of customers from hackers and we do not share it with others. More information about it is available on our Privacy Policy page.
It should be clear that whatever material we provide is used for referencing purpose only. If a customer is using it in his work then he should provide proper citations and reference in his work.
We have a money back guarantee that is for customers who are not satisfied with our work. Complete information about the money back guarantee is available on its page.
You have the rights to use our material as a reference if you have not claim for refunds.
For customers ease, we offer them different ways of making a payment for acquiring our services.
They can pay us through PayPal, Western Union, and other online payment methods